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“It’s the passion and curiosity of travel that keeps me coming back for more …”

Linda Khanna, director of Women of the World Travel, is pleased to offer her 40 years of travel industry experience as host on our women only excursions. As an adventure enthusiast, her curiosity and passion for people and culture has seen her travel around the globe, visiting over 120 counties, experiencing over 42 international cruise lines and many river cruises.

Linda’s passions include down hill skiing, motorcycling, bicycling, kayaking, scuba diving, photography, hiking, culinary, health and wellness activities. This broad scope of interests combined with escorting countless tours over her travel career, enables her to combine those experiences and offer you our Women of the World adventures.

Message from Linda:

I would like to invite you to join me on one of our women only tours and experience for yourself our new concept in specialty travel. 

I believe in the quote by Maya Angelou “People will often forget what you say to them, they will even forget what you do for them, but they will never, never forget how you make them feel” – This is my goal for our tours that you enjoy and come home feeling valued, special and most important, richer for the experience.

Linda Khanna Director Women of the World Travel

Linda Khanna | Director | Women of the World Travel
